Friday, September 12, 2008


The following are tips from a renowned website owner in respect to the Subject.
The first and foremost is a HTML Editor.

The Html editor is a software application to write pages. Amongst the several brands that are available, Microsoft FrontPage should be the choice as it tends to add proprietary codes to your pages making it difficult to be edited with a different html editor. Homesite from Adobe is also ideal to write web pages and Homesite.

With HTML editor you write the contents of your pages by keying in the Html codes, and then checking in with the preview function.

A good HTML editor is essential for forming a great Web site.

The second essential tool is the knowledge of HTML codes since they instruct the internet how to format the web pages. The basic HTML codes are:

Headers (H1 H2 H3 etc)

In addition, it is important to know the format size, color of font, background and border. The third essential tool is a domain name viz, since is most popular, it would be ideal for a domain name. Though it is time consuming to get such a name, it is worth the while.

The fourth essential tool is web hosting. The web host provides the space and interface to manage the website. The web hosting and the domain could be construed as safe deposit box and safe deposit box number while the former is like buying space in the safe deposit box. Since at the inception of web site, the amount of space will be very low hence there is no need to pay more than required.

The fifth and final essential tool is to build a web site is FTP software. FTP software is an application that enables transfer of data from computer to website on the internet and vice versa. While there are many ways of doing it like using an online interface provided by web host but using the FTP software is the swift way of doing it. FTP software allows up load new pages to website and also updating existing pages.

WS FTP for instance which stands for WinSock File Transfer Protocol on down loading to google “Free FTP download” will bring the desired result.

Among all the aforementioned tips the choice of domain name is the vital link which may fetch millions in the years to come.

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